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Payout Programs - RevShare

The Revenue Sharing (RevShare) program pays you WEEKLY up to 35% every time your RevShare customers spend time in premium chat on iFriends. This is a LIFETIME REVSHARE - meaning you are paid every time those users spend time on iFriends for the life of their account. Make sure you are getting your cut of the action! Your customer spend percentages reset at the end of each pay period, which runs Sunday through Saturday. Commissions are sent to you immediately at the end of each pay period in the manner you select: either by Check or electronically through Direct Deposit or Payoneer.

$50 Welcome BonusClickCash pays you a $50 "welcome bonus"just for joining the program! ($50 amount appears in your payout stats immediately upon providing us your payee information.)

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My name is Antiffany Middlebrook and I've been learning how to make money online now for 3 years. I've seen many programs, many offers... Spent LOTS of money... And had very limited results. It took a lot of time for me to understand what I needed to do to success online. 

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